My new food obsession is frozen yogurt and there is a perfectly amazingly delicious store in Georgetown called IceBerry that serves 5 different flavors and 15 different toppings. My favorite flavors are strawberry, chocolate, original, and honeydew melon...I guess that means 4 of the 5 are my favorite :) Green tea is not so good. But, it's real yogurt not just soft serve ice cream, so even people who are lactose intolerant can eat it without worrying since it contains live and active culture acidopholous. I love IceBerry and it makes for an excellent low-fat, low calorie snack during the afternoon. I've been packing my lunch for work so that I can work through my lunch hour and then go get yogurt midway through the afternoon :)
Thanks to you, Colleen, I am now addicted also after experiencing this wonderful frozen ,low calorie, healthy dessert while in D.C. We managed to find the yogurt in Colubus!! Yeah!!