Sunday, May 2, 2010

Hiking...more like life or death rock climbing!

The hiking trail
About to climb this rock wall!! The little red dot barely visible almost at the top of the wall is a climber in front of us. This was a serious climb!
A crazy kayaker going over the falls

Sam and I decided to go hiking on Saturday at Great Falls in Maryland. It was a gorgeous day and Sam said he had been hiking here in the past, so we decided to give it a go and head out into the great outdoors. The only problem with our plan was that it was HOT!! I'm talking 87 degrees and humid with no breeze! Good thing we packed water...actually, mine only lasted part way through the hike, so thankfully Sam wasn't all that thirsty :) The scenery was breathtaking and it was a wonderful escape from the city. Literally, it was just us and nature. So nice! No helicopters and planes flying overhead; no sirens and firetrucks; no ringing cell phones and checking emails every 5 was so serene.

But now let me tell you about the other side of this hiking excursion - the rocks. Sam mentioned there were some "fun" rocks to climb over. Guess he forgot to mention the cliffs on the other side of them and the ankle-twisting crevices. Oh, and the rock wall that we had to scale in the middle of the hike. Little different from hiking in the Hocking Hills or through Highbanks Park in Ohio! Haha! And did I already say that it was 87 degrees without a breeze?!?!

But, it was a lot of fun and great exercise. I would love to hike it again when the temperature isn't so hot.

1 comment:

  1. Next time kayaks down the river?? Won't have to worry about it being hot :)
