How do I put into words my life the past 5 days?? I don't know where to begin except to say that anyone reading this who has been to the Hogar knows what I am feeling right now. With each trip to Guatemala, life changes just a little bit...
So, instead of writing one long post about my trip, I think I'll break it up into several posts because I have many photos to share. This post will just be a quick overview of the 5 days and some general pictures.
I left DC at 7:10am on Wednesday and arrived in Guatemala City at 2:30pm. I spent the next 5 days eating black beans, rice, tortillas, pancakes, peanut butter, a tamale, onion soup, lentils, jello, Guatemalan cookies, and rabbit meat, with 64 precious orphans, 5 like-minded missionaries, 3 fun friends, 4 furry dogs, and 3 amazing nuns. I played soccer, raced up and down slides on the new playground, chased giggling toddlers, played a game of UNO with the senoritas and other missionaries, built a tower of blocks and pretended to cry every time it was knocked down, attended church 7 times, and laughed, smiled, danced, prayed, and sang more times than I can count.
I left Guatemala City on Sunday at 3pm and arrived back in DC at 11pm, exhausted but renewed in mind and spirit. Hope you enjoy the stories to come!
So happy you had a great trip and we anxiously wait to hear all your stories about the childrens adventures!!!!